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Alcoholic beverages and healthy living, find out everything

Por: Talita Camargos 01.11 | Terça-feira

It is a fact that alcohol provides a feeling of relaxation, generates pleasure and is increasingly present in celebrations.

Despite this, it is not possible to use alcoholic beverages as a health promotion (especially because excess alcohol can trigger dependence and the emergence of various diseases).

But is it possible to lead a healthy life by including alcohol in the equation? In this article, we will show you everything you need to know about the effects of alcohol on our bodies and how it can affect the building of lean mass or weight loss.

Let's go?

How does alcoholic beverages influence the construction of lean mass?

Drinking alcoholic beverages can harm muscle conditioning. This is because it impairs the muscle conditioning of type 2 fibers, which are responsible for activities that require strength in activities such as jumping and weight training.

A 2017 study was done in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research on the protein synthesis effects of alcohol after exercise. Their results showed that, in men, alcohol consumption after resistance exercise hindered post-exercise muscle adaptation or gain.

According to researchers, this occurs because alcohol affects the signaling of IGF-1 and mTOR, genes responsible for gaining muscle mass.

In women, the situation was different, although it did not interfere with genes, it still harmed protein synthesis.

Did you know that there is a difference in how a woman's body behaves in the presence of alcoholic beverages? Keep reading to find out how this happens.

In the female body the situation changes

Alcohol abuse is increasing among women and grew from 7.7% in 2006 to 11% in 2018. The Vigitel survey considered excessive alcohol consumption when it exceeded four or more doses at a time in periods of less than 30 days.

Women should be aware that they have fewer enzymes to metabolize alcohol and a lower blood volume, making them less tolerant of alcohol consumption.

Furthermore, the amount of water in the female body is low. Therefore, the substance becomes more concentrated in the body. Thus, the risk of alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, heart disease and breast cancer increases.

Women who are chronic drinkers are more susceptible to alcohol-related heart disease than men and may suffer memory lapses and other brain damage. They are also 5 percent to 9 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than women who don't drink, according to the American Cancer Society .

After all, what is the healthiest alcoholic drink?

Balance is the key to any healthy life and alcoholic beverages don't need to be left out of the equation. Knowing their calories helps us to have a macro perspective of including them in our diet.

Therefore, some drinks are more suitable for those who are in a calorie deficit. Understand:


Whether red, rosé or white, wine is one of the most popular drinks in the world and you’ve probably heard it before: “a glass of wine at the end of the day is the key to good health”. And there’s truth to that statement.

Some studies indicate benefits of drinking red wine, such as reducing cholesterol and improving blood circulation. Despite this, white wine has the fewest calories compared to the others, with around 60 calories per 150 ml.


Pure gin has fewer calories than other drinks. 50 ml of gin is equivalent to 130 calories. The same amount of tequila and rum has 110 calories. For vodka, it is 120 calories per 50 ml.

Furthermore, the drink contains little sugar, especially the London Dry type, which uses juniper infused with neutral alcohol and a selection of botanicals, without the use of other substances after distillation.


Champagne is also a type of wine, and for this reason, it shares similar benefits to this drink.

According to research from Columbia University in the United States, champagne can improve short-term memory and even reduce dementia in old age (when consumed approximately 200 ml for women and between 300 and 400 ml for men).

What is the safe consumption of alcoholic beverages?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a safe dose of 30 grams of alcohol for men and 15 grams for women per day. This amount is equivalent to two glasses of wine or 660 ml of beer for men and half the amount for women.

If the person has diabetes, for example, it is recommended to completely eliminate alcohol, as consuming the same recommended amount of drink has the opposite effect and can cause alcoholic cardiomyopathy (dilation of the heart).

What happens to your body after you stop drinking alcohol?

The effects of alcohol are rapid once we have consumed it. However, the same does not happen when the substance leaves our system. This is why we feel a hangover, an imbalance in the body that indicates the overload of the liver.

After a week without alcohol, it is possible to observe small improvements such as restored nights of sleep, better absorption of nutrients and a lower risk of sports injuries, for example.

A month without alcohol can help reduce body fat by up to 15%. This is due to the reduction of fat in the liver, as it no longer has to work excessively to metabolize alcoholic beverages.

After six months without drinking alcohol, the body begins to lose fat more easily, since the internal organs get rid of all the fat caused by excess drinking. After a year without drinking alcohol, the body is able to protect the internal organs against diseases, from a simple flu to a reduced risk of cancer.

Can I drink alcohol and have a healthy lifestyle?

Balance and moderation are the key to success! This situation would be no different. BOLD is always in favor of adapting a healthy routine to your reality. It is possible to maintain a regular physical exercise routine while consuming alcohol in moderation (after all, no one is made of iron).

The recommendation is to be aware of the type of drink you are putting into your body and to be aware of how excessive consumption of this substance can cause harmful effects in the long term. Agreed?

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