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Emotional hunger: how to identify and deal with it

Do you take your frustrations out on food? Do you always use food as a form of reward or to celebrate something? These are signs of the famous emotional hunger. If this is a recurring behavior of yours, it can unbalance your relationship with food, in addition to causing health problems, since food is one of the main factors in having good health (or not).

In this article, you will better understand what emotional hunger is, how to identify it and, most importantly, how to deal with it.

Let's go?

What is emotional hunger

Emotional hunger involves using food to cope with emotions. It usually occurs when we are sad, distressed, or anxious. We also eat motivated by joy and euphoria, which can be a problem if it is excessive. It is healthy, as long as there is a limit and it is not the only way you celebrate something.

The choice is almost always for more palatable foods, full of fat, sugar and chemical components. In other words, having excessive emotional hunger increases the chances of deregulating your cholesterol, glucose, and harming the health of your heart and other organs.

Emotional hunger and physical hunger: differences

While hunger is physical and can be satisfied with any type of food, emotional hunger has nothing to do with an organic need. Cravings are for specific foods and there is a good chance that you will overeat foods that should be consumed in moderation.

With emotional hunger, we feel a strong desire and cannot stop thinking about eating unless we eat what is on our mind. It can also happen that a person eats everything they have at home when they are going through something complex, one thing after another.

It is also common to resort to deliveries instead of cooking at home.

Symptoms of emotional hunger

We have already talked a little about the signs of emotional hunger. It is not an eating disorder, but it can lead to chronic binge eating. Therefore, it is good to be aware of other signs clearly. That way, you can understand the warning signs and find solutions.

The most common symptoms are:

- Eating on impulse

- Cravings for specific foods, especially sweets and high-calorie dishes

- Don't stop eating even when you feel full

- Feeling instantly relieved when eating

- Have the habit of snacking

- Feeling guilty after a while

- Eat fast

Did you check most of them? Don't despair, we'll help you understand how to reduce emotional hunger.

How to overcome emotional hunger

Reading this article is one way to deal with emotional hunger. Realizing that you eat a lot and are not motivated by your feelings is one of the first, if not the first, steps to change. There are several strategies and resources to help you stop emotional eating and move on to conscious eating, as you will see now.

Try to identify the cause

Knowing what triggers your emotional hunger is essential. You can identify triggers that bring you anguish, sadness, and frustration. As much as possible, you can avoid them and, since we have no control over the emergence of feelings, understand how to deal with them. In other words, replace food with conscious breathing, talking to a good friend, watching a movie, and other activities.

This way, you will have resources that go beyond food and have a great chance of reducing your sentimental appetite. It may seem difficult, but with self-knowledge and patience, it is possible to reverse your current situation. Surreal, isn't it?

Look for ways to channel your feelings

Once you have identified your emotional triggers and understand how to deal with negative emotions, it is important to understand how to channel your feelings. Incorporating practices that relieve tension, even when it has not reached its peak, is very useful for those who suffer from emotional hunger.

Some activities are known for having this therapeutic effect. Why not experiment until you find one that you like? The most famous ones are:

  • To write
  • To dance
  • Do yoga
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Watch series
  • To read
  • Do therapy

Have you tried any of these activities? If you haven't found something that is therapeutic for you, the list goes on and on. Keep looking until you find something, but remember that it should be positive practices. Some people deal with their emotions with alcohol, drugs, and gambling.

Invest in foods that are good for satiety

Some foods are more satiating than others. This is because they have good percentages of fiber and protein. Even the unfairly treated carbohydrate can help, since if we have a diet that cuts out this macronutrient we may not have enough energy. We have already explained how to choose and consume carbohydrates. In general, the idea is to invest in whole foods, as they have more fiber and a lower glycemic index.

This way, you will naturally have less of an appetite, which helps to reduce the chances of emotional hunger appearing in an overwhelming way.

Practice physical activity

Exercising helps produce the famous feel-good hormones endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. Thus, physical activity helps you have greater emotional control and even improves your mood on bad days. Some people, instead of attacking food, go for a run, cycle or boxing. But we know that it is not easy for everyone. If you do not yet play a sport or have found one that suits you, start looking. It will help you have more balance and will improve your health in general.

Seek professional help

Don’t hesitate to seek out a professional who can help you deal with your emotions. Therapy is very helpful for many people in reversing harmful behaviors. Don’t be shy about making an appointment with a psychiatrist either. The most important thing is to treat the cause of your problem and not just the symptom. Emotional hunger can be a sign of other, more serious issues.

You need to pay attention to your health to be able to enjoy the best that life has to offer. This is a prerequisite for enjoying your days in a surreal way. Don't be shy and take care of yourself to have incredible experiences!

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29 May 2023 Karen


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