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Beauty chip: dangers of the implant that promises aesthetic gains

The relentless pursuit of conforming to aesthetic beauty standards leads people to do anything to achieve them. From crazy and restrictive diets, plastic surgeries on different parts of the body, to the consumption of pills that promise miracles. Today, anything goes in the name of beauty.

A new procedure that has been widely promoted by celebrities only reinforces this idea. Called the “beauty chip,” the device promises women some very tempting benefits: eliminating menstruation, cramps, bloating, PMS, increasing libido, and toning muscles. A real dream, right?

However, several organizations, institutions and health professionals have issued a warning about the side effects of this implant, which has been used improperly and can cause irreversible damage to health. In this article, we will show you what this “miracle” chip really is and what risks it poses.

It is so risky that the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) has banned advertising for gestrinone-based products. The ban is set out in Resolution No. 4,768 of December 22, 2021.

You will see that this premise of effortless beauty is not the way to go, nor is it the best way. The desire to live well, happily and healthily can be achieved with much simpler methods that consider your well-being first. Follow along!

What is the beauty chip?

The size of a four-centimeter matchstick, the beauty chip is a silicone device (similar to a flexible rod) implanted under the skin, usually in the buttocks or abdomen. Despite the name associated with aesthetics, the correct name is “gestrinone hormonal implant”, widely used to treat endometriosis and other hormonal imbalances, in addition to reducing the symptoms of menopause and post-menopause.

With the premise of “effortless beauty,” the device gained popularity after celebrities mentioned its effects on the body. In theory, the procedure promises to increase libido, strengthen muscles, reduce cellulite, increase lean body mass and prevent menstruation, reducing PMS symptoms.

However, since its dissemination, several experts and health institutions have stated that the chip does not provide these changes, but rather the opposite. Its use for aesthetic purposes can cause irreversible damage to health due to the substance placed inside the device.

The Truth Behind the Beauty Chip

The opinions of experts and health organizations regarding the miraculous beauty chip are completely contrary to those of those who defend it. This is because the device contains a combination of hormones (mostly gestrinone, a male hormone similar to testosterone) that are released daily in an uncontrolled manner in the body.

Therefore, its use is not recommended for aesthetic purposes or any other purpose. In a note released in September 2021, the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (Febrasgo) stated that there is not enough data to validate the use of the device.

“The Febrasgo National Specialized Commissions on Menopause and Contraception do not recommend manipulated hormonal implants not approved by Anvisa, whether for the purpose of carrying out hormonal therapy for menopause or contraception, due to the lack of safety data, especially in the long term,” the Federation explained.

Furthermore, medical societies have warned the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) about the side effects observed in people who have already invested in this trend.

“Acne and oily skin, hair loss, hair growth, and enlarged clitoris are some of the complaints. One of them that is irreversible is a deepened voice,” said endocrinologist Cesar Boguszewski, president of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SBEM), in an interview with Veja Magazine.

Beauty chip: more risk than benefits

In addition to hormonal damage, Sbem also warned that the use of gestrinone implants and other androgenic hormones in women can cause more serious side effects.

“Women have a different metabolism and the menopause process acts as a protector against some diseases. With the implant, the body changes to an androgenic profile (more masculine) and, then, women begin to have a risk of increased cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and other serious problems”, said Cesar in the same interview.

These consequences, however, are long-term. Initially, the substances released by the chip cause a feeling of well-being and induce weight loss, which increases women's self-esteem. But this feeling is temporary.

“Depending on the mixture and doses administered, the chip can, for example, affect insulin levels and affect or overload some organs,” adds the endocrinologist.

“Benefits” of the beauty chip are favorable to a specific profile of women

Another fact (not often discussed) about the beauty chip concerns the positive effects it provides to women.

As we have seen, the device received this name due to the aesthetic benefits it offers: increased muscle mass, increased energy, libido and many others. However, according to gynecologist Ana Lúcia Beltrame, in an interview with G1, “the gestrinone implant is not intended to make anyone look beautiful”.

The changes considered positive are seen in a specific profile of women. Observational studies have shown that their aesthetic gain is only favorable to thin, young patients with an active exercise routine.

No beauty chip! The solution to feeling good and healthy is not implanted

As we have seen, those who choose to take hormones for aesthetic purposes generally forget the dangers they pose and want to have quick results with as little effort as possible.

However, these people forget the most important thing: health. The price to fit into the standards can be high if attitudes like these are taken. Therefore, the best option will always be to opt for healthy habits, such as combining physical activity with a balanced diet, an attitude that we always defend and preach.

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