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How to fit your workouts into your vacation

Did you know that after just three days of not working out, your body can already feel the effects? Rest is part of the process, but those who want to make exercise a lifestyle should be careful about consistency on their non-workdays. Your routine doesn't have to be the same as when you're working. In fact, adapting your workouts to your non-workdays will help you stay active and even make exercise a fun activity during your vacation.

We'll show you why trying to stay active is so important and how to get moving when you're traveling or just at home or on the farm relaxing.

What happens when we stop training?

Have you ever heard the phrase that the body was not made to stay still? It seems to be true, since our muscles, resistance and even mood quickly feel inactivity, also known as detraining, technically.

Force Minor in 72 hours

“After 72 hours without being stimulated with exercise, the athlete's body and muscles begin to undergo physiological changes that cause a loss of resistance and strength,” explained Marcello Butenas, former professional triathlete and physical educator at the University of São Paulo (USP) to Viva Bem, from Uol .

You know that difficulty of getting back to training after a long holiday? Marcello's explanation justifies why it is so complicated to get back into the routine of physical activities.

Loss of resistance in 12 days

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that we reduce our Vo2max (an indicator of aerobic capacity) by 7% after just 12 days. This means that we won't be able to perform aerobic exercises as easily as before.

Vo2max is measured in an examination on a treadmill, equipment and evaluation by a professional.

Increased heart rate in one month

If you have a month of vacation and intend to do the minimum amount of physical activity, your resting heart rate will increase. This information comes from Diego Leite de Barros, physiologist at Hospital do Coração and director of DLB ​​Assessoria Esportiva. He also states that the loss of strength and resistance continues, but is even more pronounced. The explanation is that the circulatory system's ability to irrigate the muscles is impaired, as less oxygen and nutrients will reach them.

Exercises on the beach

Feet in the sand, coconut water and several options to keep active. At the beach, the great advantage is being able to move around while playing. From a physical point of view, it is interesting to change the stimuli, this avoids the plateau effect, when the body stops responding to stimuli because the body has adapted to the training or sport.

Running on the sand

If you already run in the city, going for a run near the sea will be a delight. You will find it a little more difficult because of the different terrain. On the other hand, your calorie expenditure will be up to 60% higher and your muscle work will also be higher.

You can go alone or with someone.


This popular sport on Brazilian beaches is synonymous with fun and good health. It allows the whole body to move, which is excellent. Because it is played on the sand, it requires greater effort from those practicing it to adapt to the uneven terrain. It tones the muscles, especially in the legs and arms. It also improves flexibility.

It also promotes integration between the two practitioners.


Footvolley is an excellent option for large groups. This way, you can involve those traveling with you and get your body in shape. It burns a significant amount of calories and mainly works the muscles in your legs and arms.


Along the coast, it is very common to find incredible trails. By including them in your itinerary, you will also be able to enjoy wonderful landscapes. It is an excellent aerobic activity that adds the benefits of being in contact with nature. It is relaxing and will provide unforgettable memories. Ideal for those who love adventure. Is that you?

Exercises in nature

Speaking of nature, if your destination is a farm or other place surrounded by greenery, there are many activities for you. According to a study by Chiba University, being in contact with greenery, in itself, reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. That's why in Japan, they have what they call forest bathing.

If you are going to a destination with a lot of nature, the activities we are going to suggest will enhance your experience and benefits.


Some people arrive at a farm and just stay near the barbecue and pool. But going for a simple walk can help you move your body and benefit from nature. A study by USP in Ribeirão Preto proved that 40 minutes of walking lowers blood pressure. Other benefits include:

- Improved circulation

- Prevention of osteoporosis

- Less desire to eat

- Less sleepiness

- Feeling of well-being

Horseback riding

Do you like horses or want to try a different activity on your vacation? Adding a horse ride to your schedule is a great option. It’s a low-impact activity that will work on your posture, muscle tone and mental health.


Just like on the beach, there are some trail options in the countryside. For those who like to explore or want to enhance their contact with nature, this is a good option. Remember to go with someone else, wear appropriate footwear and clothing, and walk in safe places.

Travel training in large centers

If you’ve chosen to go to a tourist city without many options for nature, there are also several ways to stay active. The secret is to plan ahead and understand which workout is best suited to your vacation.

Hotel gym

If you already do weight training, keeping up your workouts during your vacation, even if it’s shorter, will bring you many benefits. The hotel gym is there for a reason, right? How about waking up an hour earlier and using it? Be careful, only do this activity if you’ve been weight training for a while, okay?


Running is a flexible sport. You can run anywhere, whether it's the countryside, the city or the beach. So, research the places where people run and start training. It's very satisfying to run in a different landscape than we're used to. Your body also benefits from having to adapt to a new route, which is why you'll see results.

Activities in the park

Many cities have parks. You can rent bicycles and rollerblades there. You can also run and walk there. Exercises such as slacklining are also common. You can also find out about the park's activities, as they often offer free group classes.

Are you off to the park?

So, what's your holiday activity? Take your Bold to give you energy before your workout and to replenish your energy after you're done.

Happy holidays and good training!

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